
Posts Tagged ‘user-generated

Toyota is doing something that is a great example of a brand listening to their audience. At Scionspeak.com, you can create your own car logos, which you can save to the gallery, print, our (for $) have applied to your car. Sounds pretty cool. I played around with the designs today and I don’t even own a Scion. (Toyota is focusing on building brand affinity with current Scion drivers, but if non-drivers start thinking about the Scion differently from this new user-designed oriented experience, I’m sure Toyota would welcome this.) Also see a full article from the New York Times.

My logo/crest “Lady Poet The Explorer”633419675149041763.jpg

Also, Jinal at Constant Beta reminds brands of the importance of listening. While she calls out the value of the web, her point hits upon the general relevancy of brands being good listeners.

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